Affiliate Disclosure - Our Mission

At Found Robe, we pride ourselves on recommending high-quality furniture and home decor products that we truly believe in. To help support the work we do in creating detailed guides and reviews, we participate in affiliate marketing programs. 

What Does This Mean?

Some of the product links on our site are affiliate links. If you click through one of these links and make a purchase from a partnering retailer like Amazon, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate commissions help fund the resources needed to research, test, photograph, and write about products.

Our Commitment to You

While we may earn affiliate income, you can rest assured that our opinions and recommendations are 100% unbiased. We never let affiliate relationships sway our judgment on a product. Our priority is providing honest, well-researched analysis and reviews to help you find the perfect chairs and furniture for your home.

We only recommend products that we truly believe deliver great quality and value. If we don't love it or think it's worth your money, we simply won't endorse it - affiliate commission or not. Our loyalty is to you, our readers.

Your Support Matters

By using our affiliate links to make purchases, you help support the hard work of our small team. This allows us to continue creating the best chair buying guides, reviews, and other home furnishing content possible. We truly appreciate your support!

If you ever have any other questions about our affiliate relationships, feel free to reach out to us at Transparency is incredibly important to us.

Thank you for being a Found Robe reader!

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